Friday 8 August 2008

Sharleen Spiteri - Melody

Releasing your solo debut 20 age into a successful life history is not the authentication of an opportunist, but that is the criticism that Texas singer Spiteri may human face over the sound of 'Melody'.

Coming after the success of Winehouse and Duffy in revisiting the 1960s, Spiteri also takes inspiration from the grooves of the decade and that, for some, will be this record's superlative weakness.

Others, however, will receive no such hang-ups, and may gaze this album as the best thing she's released.

Spiteri's phonation has improved with age, and the strings and brass fetch out its power and poignancy - a rougher production would've added level more.

With the exception of 'I'm Going to Haunt You' (think C&W karaoke on a cruise ship), she could passing any of the songs here as a single, and with a patch to go to Duffy and Winehouse's follow-ups, you could be hearing a lot of them. Timing may so be everything.

Harry Guerin

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